In every dead end..

Sometimes, I hate myself.

Back then.

not exactly the meaning of 'hating' but, I wondered a lot of bunch of things that I couldn't afford. That I couldn't bear, at all.
I'm pretty sure, most of you had ever felt the same.
Hating never be the right thing to do. Especially when it's including you and others.
I started to wonder, why? why can't I do that, while others can easily do that. There are huge amount of possibility but none of those ever happened in my life. I started to ask the universe, why? why me?

By that questions blowing up in my mind, there will always these whispers told me; stop. Lay yourself down, you need a break.

Have you ever felt that? 

I did. I followed that voices, and boom. It ended up me loving myself furthermore. Wow. It's kinda magic but, let's just call it as the hands of Allah. Instead of talking bad about our own self, why don't we just talk about how glorious Allah is. In every dead end I found, there were always these voices lead me down through the aisle of darkness, to the lights, even it's the tiniest light that ever exist. But, at least, there's light, and it makes me feel warm.

By that time, I started to learn. Grumbling, hating, will never be the answer. It actually gonna lead you to  the darkness. And no one will know except you. And you'll be the one that will save your life. It is no one choice but you.

The lesson you gotta need to learn is; it is your choice. You choose to suffer, by following that poisoned heart, then suffer with your own self. You choose to forgive and positivity, then success will hail you.

-sei. 29.01.20.

this picture was taken by me, at Desa Wisata Lerep, Ungaran.


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