what's inside my mind and heart

it was fine, totally. until I jumped back to the time where I gave my everything to achieve my goals. it was so tiring, but I am happy with the result. and lately, I've been overthought on those moments that I passed without even tried to put my best into it. I keep telling myself that it is fine, that I don't have to be on the top, every time I can do whatever makes me happy, I can explore myself, and no one has the right to stop me. but then I met these awesome people. these people aren't human I guess, lol. I mean who can manage those many activities and responsibilities at one time? I got overthink. I got to connect it to my past (which I was always giving the best at everything I could), I got to connect to a list of my dreams, I got to connect to everything that happened in my life lately. and I started to get insecure because of them. 

it wasn't a really important thing to think about, actually. but I keep thinking of them. 

until it bothered me, the whole month was chaotic. I keep blaming myself even I know that there should be no one to blame. but I did. I cried nights, I started to curse myself for not doing this or that. 

today, I kinda feel like my life is getting toxic because of the war thoughts in my mind. I need to rescue myself. I started to think about the purpose of our lives here, my life, my goals, my dreams, my family, the background that I have, the things that will support me or not. I started to think, why did I do this? this won't change anything except killing me inside. I feel like such a dumb. how come I didn't recognize myself and what I need for the past few weeks even months, just because I am drowning myself in my thoughts and compare my life with others. wow, this thing is gonna pay me one day for wasting my time crying all night long. 

I remember that I have this value that I always bring when I was little, this came from both of my parents, they always remind us to think that all we have to do is just being nice. what ever we're doing, what position we have, we just have to be nice to everyone, to any creatures. I remember by those kinda thoughts, I started to think that I have to do something not only what's beneficial for me, but also give a good impact for others. therefore, I have a list of a bunch of things that I need to do during this year, and those are what I love and I shouldn't be following others' path cause I have my own, and wow surprisingly I almost forgot that I have this path for myself.

so here's me trying to make myself stick together. stick to the purpose of life that I have.

so, don't worry me, you've done what you're valuing about. 

it's ok to cry. it's ok to get upset.

here's the thing, me, I am super proud of you. you keep standing still, you keep trying to put pieces of yourself back together. you keep being here for yourself. even there's no one at some corner, but you're here. and that's enough.

be proud, me, because she loves you.


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